What's new in Debtinator
- 3.4.9 10/20/2017
- re-enabled printing. d'oh'
- 3.4.8 10/20/2017
- Minor bug fixes and updates - should play nicely on High Sierra down to Yosemite. Fixed that nasty bug that could crash when files are closed.
- 3.4.7 10/07/2015
- Works happily on Yosemite and El Capitan. But, you know, no silly beta. v4 is still coming. I promise. There's just a whole hell of a lot of code to port.
- v3.4.2 12/10/2011
- Added overpayments column to the saved payment plan
- Added ability to right click on certain transactions in the Ledger to create recurring events
- Increased the font size of prints
- Enabled graph printing
- Greatly optimized performance on the Ledger pane
- Fixed a bug that'd restrict certain transactions types under arcane circumstances
- Fixed a crash when creating a credit card with no credit limit
- Fixed a bug that could cause a debt to overpay past $zero.
- Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when doing a Save As
- Fixed a bug that could cause improper initial display of an account's balance
- Fixed a bug that could cause a crash or a hang when deleting budgets
- Fixed a bug that could remove too many rows fro a scenario when it is filtered; dropped archived items from filtration options
- Fixed a bug that could cause no payments to be applied to the amortization table when compositing minimum fees as the lesser of line item fees
- Fixed a bug that would cause rates and minimum fees to be added in random order
- Fixed a bug that would allow you to create a debt with a rate that begins after the next due date
- Fixed a bug that wouldn&apost deduct escrowed amounts and annual fees from payments when applying to the ledger; made values editable
- v3.4.1 09/15/2011
- Added metrics to the Income pane
- Added buttons to Expense metrics to set amount to the recorded average, maximum, or minimum
- Now allowed to delete budgets, accounts, and debts which have transactions
- Relaxed some of the ledger transaction restrictions
- Decrementing an income now takes money out of Debts and Expenses first, leaving other budgets alone
- Fixed a bug preventing charting when selecting an account or debt
- Fixed a bug with very old files still having time zone information
- Fixed a bug that could cause duplicate splash screens when running on Lion
- Fixed a bug on Lion with drag and drop transfers of amounts
- Fixed a bug in interest calculations in the app store build
- Miscellaneous crash fixes
- v3.4.0 08/11/2011
- Added reconciliation pane to the Ledger to help reconcile with bank statements
- Added metrics to the Expense pane for historical Expense info
- Can now search the payment plan as well as the Ledger
- Added option to transfer leaving an exact destination amount
- More sophisticated date range searching
- Made prompt for advancing events user-configurable
- Disabled text color coding on color highlighted rows
- The payment plan now only highlights the next transaction for a given event as being applicable now, and will no longer allow application of transactions out of order.
- Performance optimizations to the interface
- Fixed a potential crash in the amortization table with debts that cannot be paid off
- Fixed a bug in the input of dollar amounts when using foreign currencies
- Fixed an obscure crash when running large scenarios containing transfers
- Fixed a bug that would force debts with annual fees to display in the complex view
- Fixed a bug that could cause searches to return all transactions with a $0 amount
- Fixed a bug that wouldn't update the amortization table when the enforced payment was changed
- Fixed a bug that wouldn't advance an event beyond the next date when using mapped event dates
- Fixed a quiet bug that would toss an error when selecting a debt's line item on the ledger screen
- Fixed a bug in Lion that could cause a crash when running a scenario.
- Fixed a bug in Lion that would require clicking the "Go" button twice to run a scenario.
- v3.3.9 02/28/2011
- Added flag to allow budgets to save until a goal is reached
- Extended weekday bindings to bind to closest weekday, previous weekday, following weekday, and closest weekday in same month
- Check numbers can now be non-numeric ("EFT", "DEBIT", "CASH", etc)
- Added ability to round debt payments down to nearest dollar, ten, hundred, or thousand
- Scenarios will now warn you if an account has no deposits and ends with a negative balance
- Fixed an incorrect display of Total Available Funds in scenarios on certain older data files or when paid from a debt
- Fixed an intermittent crash from refreshing the amortization table
- v3.3.8 02/12/2011
- Added amortization tables to the debt complex view
- Now allows mixed sign budgets
- Transaction sorting now sorts by transaction type - withdrawals before deposits, etc.
- Added ability to delete items from the payment plan and automatically advance to the next date
- Fixed a crash when applying past transactions w/o a payment plan
- Fixed improper error reporting of transfers w/o destination accounts upon save
- No longer allows unarchiving of items associated with archived accounts
- v3.3.7 01/27/2011
- When applying transactions from the payment plan which would overfund a capped budget, the funding transfer is automatically reduced
- Ensured that applying consecutive transactions simultaneously from the payment plan is allowed
- Enabled charges to be logged against any line item on a revolving debt
- Added option to automatically clear charges against credit cards
- Transactions applied upon document open will now respect budget caps
- Fixed a bug that could cause events repeating on the xth weekday to fire duplicate times
- Fixed a bug that could cause a hang on expenses that would overdraft a credit card
- Fixed a confusing graph that could occur when an expense was scheduled long after debts were paid off
- Enabled Ledger drag and drop from force-collapsed accounts with single budgets
- v3.3.6 10/02/2010
- Updated, interactive graphing engine
- Updated the default debt line item payment order to reflect new government credit card regulations (higher interest rate balances paid first)
- Minor modifications to color coding support
- The ledger now does not expand accounts or debts with a single budget
- Interest, charge, and cashback bonus transactions are now automatically assumed to clear
- Fixed a bug that would constantly reset the backup duration to first open of week
- v3.3.5 06/08/2010
- Fixed an incorrect allocation of payments to debts with multiple line items
- Fixed a crash when viewing payments to non-revolving debts
- Fixed a bug that wouldn't update the destination envelope when creating transactions via drag and drop
- v3.3.4 04/17/2010
- Non-revolving debts and non-liquid accounts are now visible on the ledger
- Added option to include or exclude dollar amounts from iCal exports
- Added further constraints to restrict transactions on archived budgets
- Further optimizations to the interface
- List of debts now remembers its width
- v3.3.3 04/03/2010
- Added balance over time chart to the Ledger pane
- When creating a transaction via drag and drop, can now specify amount by final balances
- Enabled debt to debt transfers
- Added prompt to allow mapping of applied transactions scheduled in the future to today
- Grouped the reports into better performing, worse performing, and indeterminate
- Scenarios will no longer complete until all negative account balances are non-negative
- Every event must occur at least once in a scenario
- Added additional backup options (now defaults to backing up weekly)
- Fixed a bug that could prevent display of items repeating monthly, by last weekday
- Ensured that debt payments made as advancing items properly cover interest accrued
- Fixed a bug that could allow multiple budgets of differing signs
- Fixed a bug that would not flag a payment plan as invalid
- v3.3.2 03/22/2010
- Graph legends now appear in the upper left on appropriate graphs, so as not to obscure the data
- Made the lists on the left side of the Income, Expenses, and Debts panes resizable
- Stabilized the sort of the ledger and payment plan
- Fixed a bug that could prevent the overdue items prompt from firing
- Objects will no longer be automatically archived until the file consistency audit is complete
- Fixed a bug deleting income objects. whoops
- Fixed a bug in the scenarios that could cause an infinite loop when mapping events to last paydays
- v3.3.1 03/16/2010
- Follow us on twitter! twitter.com/bassetsoftware
- Optimized performance of the Ledger
- Restored the delete payment plan button to the Ledger pane
- Added cashback bonus event type for credit cards
- Added ability to directly edit account/debt balances from the ledger screen
- Debt balance adjustments from the Debts pane will now log adjustment transactions
- All selected transactions in the payment plan must now succeed during application or all will fail
- Search filters no longer persist between file openings
- Several minor interface bug fixes
- v3.3.0 02/05/2010
- Dropped support for MacOS X 10.4 (Tiger). 10.5.0 (Leopard) or higher now required. 10.5.8 or higher recommended
- Transactions will once again be prompted to advance even if a payment plan is in effect
- Can no longer separately authorize related transactions on the advance sheet
- Restored ability to archive budgets
- Fixed the crashes under Leopard on Intel
- Fixed the bug regarding deleting of transactions
- Fixed a bug saving comments with Expenses
- Fixed the conflict between the archive and advance sheets
- Fixed the bug that would cause the account balance not to immediately change after an undo
- v3.2.3 02/05/2010
- Last release to support MacOS X 10.4 (Tiger)
- v3.2.2 01/13/2010
- Added color coding to dollar amounts of transfers and payments to indicate flow direction
- The escrow amount is now calculated separately from the line item minimum fee, no longer part of the minimum. Please update your minimum fees as appropriate
- Intra-account transfers no longer clear to the mixed state
- Fixed a hang when deleting budgets
- Fixed a hang re-filtering report rows when saving the payment plan
- Fixed a divide-by-zero error with non-repeating debts
- Fixed a bug that could create junk transactions when multiple budgets were selected
- v3.2.1 12/12/2009
- Added QIF export
- Now only exports transactions from selected budgets
- Charges can no longer be recorded against line items other than the purchase line item
- Added ability to filter ledger to show only cleared transactions in last week
- Added funding sources to exports
- Split records can now have negative amounts
- Added comments to income and expenses
- Newly added transactions will now be visible in the ledger regardless of the currently active date filter
- Improved performance opening documents and adding transactions
- Fixed a bug that would keep the payment plan status from updating after drag and dropped transactions
- Ensured that budget funding is always applied in the same order
- Fixed a bug that could cause a hang when setting a transaction's amount to an empty string
- Fixed a bug that could cause a report to continue to run after all debts were paid off
- Fixed a bug that would allow balance transfers directly to other debts
- Fixed a bug that could cause a crash during printing
- v3.2.0 12/05/2009
- Complete interface overhaul
- Added historical charts and reporting
- Added support for split transactions
- Added ability to store transaction receipts
- Added better drag and drop capabilities to the ledger to move transactions around
- Added enforced minimum fees to debts
- Added optimizations to the reporting engine - both for speed and to reduce memory footprint
- New tutorial videos available online at http://www.bassetsoftware.com/debtinator/tutorials.html
- Brand new relaunch of bassetsoftware.com at http://www.bassetsoftware.com/
- Over 25 bugs fixed
- v3.1.1 10/19/2009
- Changing a transaction's date now changes its related dates as well
- Improved handling of naming and ordering new items
- Improved undo support
- Added optimizations to the reporting engine
- The ledger table now properly stores column information
- The ledger now remembers the last selected budget
- The payment plan can now filter on events that are past due
- The tables in the complex debt view are now resizable
- Fixed a bug with display of the payment plan on Tiger
- Fixed a bug that could automatically archive debts flagged to not automatically archive
- Fixed a bug that wouldn't properly update the snapshot amounts
- Fixed a bug that wouldn't properly update debt info from line items until doc reopen
- Fixed a bug that could cause an overdraft error when deleting a group of transactions
- Fixed a bug that would cause archived budgets to show up as destinations for transfers/payments in the ledger
- Fixed a bug that could allow you to delete an account's primary budget (causing a crash)
- Fixed a bug that could cause income to be skipped when applying from the payment plan
- v3.1.0 09/18/2009
- Changed the restrictions for unregistered users
- Added explicit interest events to the Ledger
- Now displays the date the payment plan was last refreshed
- Items in the payment plan due today no longer flag as past due
- Fixed a bug that wouldn't properly flag applicable transactions when using a negative minimum balance
- Fixed a bug that could prevent application of the payment plan in Leopard
- Fixed a bug that would show archived accounts as the default account choice
- v3.0.9 09/12/2009
- Events not applied on the advancing sheet no longer advance their date; no matter what
- Ensured that related events show up next to each other in the payment plan
- The payment plan is now only flagged as possibly invalid if you'd end up dropping below your minimum balance or exceed your credit limit
- Can now filter the payment plan on all transactions, ones you can pay now, and ones you will not be able to pay
- Added tooltips to explain the color coding of rows
- Changing the next date on an item with a custom repeat rule now doesn't pre-existing dates
- Fixed some bugs in the ledger in Tiger
- Fixed a major slowdown when editing transactions in the ledger
- Fixed a bug that would prevent archiving of accounts or debts with archived associated items
- Fixed a bug that could prevent application of large blocks of transactions from the payment plan
- v3.0.8 08/29/2009
- Added color coding to the payment plan - green items can be paid now without waiting for further income, red items would cause an overdraft when paid
- Added ability to set how far in advance iCal alarms will go off (in General Preferences)
- Added option to set iCal email alarms (in General Preferences)
- Fixed a bug that could cause a hang when attempting to add a budget to a debt on the ledger (add a line item on the debts screen instead)
- Fixed a bug that would refuse a valid transfer in the ledger
- Fixed a bug that could cause a payment plan to flag as being removed when it still existed
- Fixed a bug that could cause a slowdown when creating a new payment plan
- Fixed a bug that could cause the minimum fee payment plan to never complete when using an escrowed debt
- Fixed a bug that would cause a document not to save after refreshing the payment plan ("Could not merge changes")
- Fixed a bug that could cause a document with a paid off debt not to save after refreshing the payment plan
- v3.0.7 08/16/2009
- Added option not to auto-archive items
- Ensured that debts with non-zero balances cannot be archived
- Payment plans are now less frequently flagged as dirty
- Added ability to copy rows from the transactions log and payment plan
- Added button to directly refresh the payment plan from the ledger screen
- Added ability to filter transactions by date range
- Related transactions are now selected and applied at the same time automatically (so debt's interest and payment hit simultaneously)
- Fixed a bug that could cause junk data in the file
- Fixed a bug that could cause upgraded documents to have funding sources out of sync with income
- Fixed a bug with the prompt for opening files created by a later version of Debtinator
- Fixed a bug that could prevent a file from flagging as dirty
- v3.0.6 08/01/2009
- Fixed a bug that would prevent overpayments on accounts with negative balances
- Fixed a bug that would cause an erroneous transaction type of "1" in the ledger
- Fixed a bug that would cause a rounding error when transferring funds via drag and drop
- Fixed a bug that could prevent opening of files
- v3.0.5 07/28/2009
- Added the ability to archive data in the file, so it is hidden from view, but still available (right click on an item to archive it)
- Added automatic archiving of inactive items
- It is now possible to overdraft your bank account on the transaction Ledger (But you shouldn't!)
- When applying income at the advancing items prompt, now properly funds budgets specified by the payday
- Fixed a bug that could cause a hang when the first error in a report is an overcharge
- Fixed a bug that could cause an internal inconsistency error when using escrowed debts
- Fixed a bug that could cause an internal inconsistency error when using flat fee interest
- v3.0.4 07/03/2009
- Newly created entries are now highlighted for editing, and scrolled to as appropriate
- Added ability to filter out cleared transactions
- Changed key bindings on the ledger screen so command +/- now add/remove transactions, not budgets
- Added internal consistency checks to ensure report accuracy
- Fixed a bug that could prevent a transfer into an account with a minimum balance
- Fixed a bug that could cause incorrect selections when the default account was not liquid
- Fixed a bug that could cause a hang when transferring at least a specified amount
- v3.0.3 06/20/2009
- Changed the default transaction type for bank account transactions to be withdrawal (instead of deposit)
- Debt line items with $0 balances no longer contribute towards the minimum fee
- Fixed a bug that could prevent document save on events which had already ended
- Fixed a bug that could cause a credit card payment in the payment plan to claim to post to the wrong line item
- Major infrastructure upgrades
- v3.0.2 05/16/2009
- The Ledger now remembers the last selected account between document openings
- Adjusted window size to better fit on macbooks
- Added option for advancing events to just update values, as opposed to logging as transactions
- Added option for advancing events to advance to the next future due date, regardless of whether they are applied
- Changed advancing prompt to alert you to events scheduled to happen today
- Added some optimizations to saving & deleting payment plans
- Table column size and order is now preserved between file openings
- Fixed a bug that wouldn't update the next 30 days fields when hitting the advance button
- Fixed a bug that would include past events in the next 30 days fields
- Fixed a bug that would occasionally cause account balances not to instantly update
- Fixed a bug that could cause deletion of a very large payment plan to hang
- Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when saving payment plans
- v3.0.1 05/08/2009
- Added an optimization to the reporting engine (it may help to re-save your data file as a new document)
- Added ability to print and export transactions
- When setting the Event of a transaction, if the event's amount can be applied, it is filled in as the default transaction amount
- When changing transaction types, wipes out the creator if it couldn't create events of the new type
- Deleting a recurring event now nullifies the creator of associated transactions, instead of deleting them
- Fixed a bug that could prevent transactions from being deleted
- Fixed a bug that would cause a deleted payment plan to flag as dirty
- Fixed a bug that would cause current transactions to show up as future ones if no budget was selected
- Fixed some bugs in the documentation
- Fixed a bug that could prevent negative balances for UK accounts
- Fixed the roaming Account balance field on the ledger pane
- Fixed a bug in the error reporting routines
- Fixed a couple of document crashes under Tiger
- v3.0.0 05/04/2009
- Added the transaction ledger to keep track of the money you've already spent
- Added explicit future payment plans, to save a repayment report for use in the ledger
- Automatic logging of transactions that occurred since the last time a document was opened
- Added in support for virtual "envelopes" to segment bank accounts into budgets electronically
- New file format for greater speed and reduced file size
- Interface improvements
- v2.7.6 04/11/2009
- Added overdraft APR for UK overdraft acounts
- Added ability to map all event dates to most recent payday (on the Reports tab)
- Fixed a crash that could occur when payday mapped events occur before any income event
- Fixed a crash in the Interest vs Principal graph
- v2.7.5 03/12/2009
- Added option to check for beta releases as well as official releases
- Properly named the document type in the Finder
- Fixed a bug that could cause overpayments to debts to be paid at later dates
- Fixed a bug that could cause extra events to occur when credit cards are being used
- Fixed another bug that could cause a hang for events that occurred on two days in a row at the end of a month
- v2.7.4 03/07/2009
- Added ability to filter reports by funding source
- Added additional transfer rules governing the destination account balance
- Fixed a bug that could cause report filtering options to be ignored in new files the first time they're selected
- Fixed a bug that could cause a crash if a debt's escrow amount was greater than its minimum fee
- v2.7.3 02/28/2009
- Added the user-defined overpayment report type
- Added in support for remembering column widths between document saves
- Added in support for negative account balances for UK users.
- Added in a couple of missing currency localizations
- Fixed a bug that could cause a hang for events that occurred on two days in a row at the end of a month
- v2.7.2 02/21/2009
- Added pop ups to the stacked barshot on the Reports tab, showing which debt is reflected, its balance, and the percentage of total debt.
- Added ability to bind event dates to closest weekday
- Clarified the report displayed when the user ran out of money
- Fixed a bug that could display a report that ran out of money with an error in an interim state
- Fixed a bug that could cause insivible payments when charging expenses to debts
- v2.7.1 02/12/2009
- Overpayments are now authorized based upon which bank account is paying the debt
- When binding to most recent payday, events will no longer bind to paydates earlier than the previous event in the sequence
- Now ensures that the first event in sequence when binding to payday is properly bound
- Fixed a hang if you tried to bind to most recent payday and had no income or transfers defined
- Fixed a bug that could cause ghost charges to credit cards
- Fixed a bug in recording recent action dates for debts
- Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when running reports on multiple documents simultaneously
- Fixed a color coding issue if you used color coded report rows and set a debt's color very close to a background row color
- Fixed a hang that could occur if you set a next event date to something way way way in the past.
- v2.7.0 02/07/2009
- Can now bind debts and expenses to be paid on the prior payday. No need to leave money sitting around burning a hole in your bank account.
- Now explicitly keeps track of the last time an event is known to have occurred. Helps you keep track of what you did vs what it thinks you did.
- Now color codes rows on the expenses, transfers, and debts screens - yellow for events that will occur before the next payday; purple for events that occurred upon file open
- Transfer from account now defaults to first account in the file
- Area Graphs now respect defined debt colors
- Can now properly tab across fields on the debt view
- Fixed a bug that would occasionally cause a payment to a debt to be made on a day that a charge was supposed to occur
- Fixed a bug that could mislabel a $0 balance debt in an area graph
- Fixed a bug in copying from reports with hidden rows
- v2.6.5 12/06/2008
- Major infrastructure upgrades
- Optimized the reporting engine to better deal with some data edge cases
- v2.6.4 11/15/2008
- Fixed a bug that would cause double display of "Ran out of money" lines
- Fixed a bug that could cause the custom date editor not to notice changes to the next date
- Fixed a bug that could cause the custom date editor to edit dates on the wrong object
- If an invalid multiplier is typed into the repeat date editor, now prompts you to fix it before closing the editor
- Major infrastructure upgrades
- v2.6.3 11/01/2008
- Fixed a bug that could prevent a save when old charges expire
- Fixed a bug that could cause a clean document to be marked as dirty
- Fixed a minor bug that could cause new items to default to tomorrow (or yesterday)
- v2.6.2 10/11/2008
- Added ability to loop by last day of week (last Saturday in a month, etc.)
- Added ability to vary the duration of the quick snapshots (in General Preferences; defaults to 30 days)
- Ensured that when switching from repeating by weekday to repeating by day that the day properly updates
- Fixed a bug that could cause a hang when repeating monthly, by weekday
- v2.6.1 10/04/2008
- Fixed a bug that could cause a hang when repeating monthly, by weekday
- Fixed a bug that could cause a hang when repeating never, for events that have already occurred
- v2.6.0 09/27/2008
- Changed "Remaining Month's etc" to "Next 30 days' etc"
- Simplified the complex debt view (end dates are implied, no need to explicitly set them)
- Fixed a bug in the calculation of total available credit
- Fixed a bug that could cause an infinite loop when charging an expense to a debt and paying that debt on the same day
- Fixed a bug that could cause an infinite loop when using 'Transfer any amount, using at least'
- Fixed a bug that could cause a crash with very old files
- v2.5.9 09/20/2008
- Brought the color code rows checkbox into the view options gear button
- Added additional filtering options to the report output
- When exporting to iCal, transfers are now combined into a single note
- Fixed a bug that could cause iCal exports to include a .txt extension
- v2.5.8 09/13/2008
- Enhanced the reports to better help keep you out of debt after paying all of your debts off
- Fixed a bug with overcharging credit limits when paying expenses with a credit card
- Fixed a bug that could keep cached reports around too long
- Fixed a bug that could display a date in the wrong time zone
- v2.5.7 09/06/2008
- Added option to transfer as much as possible, but leaving a minimum balance
- Fixed a new bug in iCal export, causing dates to sometimes show up a day off
- Fixed a bug that could cause a report to continue for an extra month if all debts were paid off on their first payment
- Fixed another edge case crash condition
- v2.5.6 08/30/2008
- Added options to backup files at every save (Preferences -> general preferences)
- Internally, all timezones are now GMT, so no more worries about the file crossing time zones
- Fixed another edge case that could keep too much money in the bank
- Various internal infrastructure upgrades
- v2.5.5 08/23/2008
- Inactive items (events that occurred and won't occur again) are now grayed out in the interface
- Explicitly wipes out the end date for items that don't end
- Added a few missing localized dates
- Added ability to transfer an exact amount, if funds are available
- Ensures that the Free Cash Value refreshes to the current value as income items are changed
- Ensures that the Minimums Remaining This Month value refreshes to the current value as debts are changed
- Patched a few cases that could cause a clean, newly opened document to be flagged as dirty
- v2.5.4 08/16/2008
- Can now print out or export reports listing income, debts, expenses, transfers, accounts (print from any tab)
- Consolidated all export options into a single menu item (export from any tab)
- Entered rates & minimum fees on the complex debt screen is more user friendly and less error prone
- Fixed a bug that wouldn't refresh Free Cash Value when opening a doc on the Income screen until you navigated to a different tab
- v2.5.3 08/09/2008
- Transfers are now listed as a single line item on the past advancement sheet
- Added ability to flag accounts as liquid (assume money can be withdrawn from them easily)
- Transactions can now be explicitly named
- Fixed a bug on the past item advancement sheet that wouldn't apply charges to debts
- Fixed the bug that would claim that no interest was applied to debts with no grace periods in the first month, if the debt's previous balance was zero. Whew. That was a mouthful. Note - interest was properly applied, the "Interest" column was just $0.
- v2.5.2 08/02/2008
- Added ability to transfer up to a given dollar amount
- Fixed the nasty bug that would prevent using "Save As" with unmodified documents
- Fixed a bug that could allow you to specify an invalid repeat rule when repeating yearly
- Fixed a bug that wouldn't debit escrowed money during payments
- v2.5.1 07/26/2008
- Fixed a bug where the pie charts wouldn't properly reflect custom yearly repeating items
- Fixed a bug that could try to overpay a debt upon document open
- v2.5.0 07/20/2008
- Replaced "typical monthly" etc with "Remaining month's" etc
- added user definable color support
- Adds grace periods to newly charged debts
- Brand new reporting engine, more accurate, and (usually) faster
- Minor internal optimizations/code cleanup
- Tidied up localization in escrow errors
- v2.4.2 12/15/2007
- Added ability to advance account balances by final account balance, not just events (in General Preferences)
- iCal calendars now export as UTF8, text exports can choose between UTF8 and ascii
- Ensured revolving accounts can't escrow funds
- Fixed an edge case that could cause total interest paid not to accumulate
- Fixed a bug that could unnecessarily delete the report cache
- v2.4.1 12/09/2007
- Added ability to pay expenses by charging to debts
- v2.4.0 12/01/2007
- Added prompt to update bank account balances with events that have occurred since last launch
- Fixed an obscure reporting crash condition
- Fixed the occasional, annoying, generic, useless "Document could not be saved" error
- Improved re-assignment of minimum fee/rate start dates when debt due dates move into the past
- Internal infrastructure upgrades
- v2.3.6 11/17/2007
- Added option to color code report rows
- Added further constraints to ensure there's always at least one active rate
- v2.3.5 11/12/2007
- Fixed the bug with date repetition and dates at the end of the month
- Added Leopard style big icons
- v2.3.4 11/03/2007
- Added preferences window to specify further options
- Major internal infrastructure improvements
- Fixed a Leopard bug that would prevent new records from automatically having start dates
- Hacked around a horrible data corruption bug that exists in Leopard.
- v2.3.3 10/28/2007
- Added ability to flag debts as revolving accounts (Complex view -> advanced options)
- Added report columns to list available credit
- Now catches and reports when a debt's minimum fee cannot cover its escrow amount
- Fixed a bug that could cause debts with escrow to overpay past $0
- v2.3.2 10/21/2007
- Better validation to ensure the start date is synchronized with repeat rules
- Incorporated automatic updates
- Fixed another edge case crash condition for reports
- v2.3.1 10/14/2007
- Added comments field for debts (on the complex view)
- Fixed a crash in the Balance over time graph
- Fixed a rounding error that could cause report looping
- Minor reporting optimizations
- v2.3.0 10/07/2007
- Added ability for debts to include escrow information
- Added option to restore default report columns
- v2.2.9 09/30/2007
- Added explicit support for minimum payments to be calculated based off of interest accrued
- Added option to de-localize currency to fix Apple's bindings bug
- v2.2.8 09/22/2007
- Added end date option for graphs
- Added "Pay off out of order, when possible" option to reports
- Documents now remember last graph & report run
- Fixed a problem with out-of-date cached reports for unregistered users
- v2.2.7 09/09/2007
- Fixed a bug that could cause saves to fail when using non repeating debts
- Fixed a bug that would draw too wide a date range on graph labels
- Fixed a bug that could cause a hang if an event repeated on the 1st and 30th of the 2 consecutive 31 day months
- v2.2.6 09/02/2007
- Added ability to transfer all available funds
- Fixed a drawing bug with area graphs containing a debt that started at $0.
- Fixed a couple of crashing bugs with certain cases of data
- v2.2.5 08/18/2007
- Minor interface modifications
- Added bank account balance over time graph
- Minor internal optimizations
- Fixed an obscure bug that would cause incorrect display of area graphs with a debt that started at Zero dollars
- Fixed an ancient bug with ordering of line items
- v2.2.4 08/11/2007
- Added repeat options for seasonal income or expenses. For example, you may work a summer job and have extra income only in June, July, and August; or your heating bill may go up in the winter.
- All report column view options (including order!) are now stored in individual data files
- Added DOLP reports
- Fixed a new bug from 2.2.3 that could cause debts with non-custom repeat rules to improperly repeat
- v2.2.3 08/04/2007
- Added "Default Bank Account" for all new documents
- Added Total Available Funds and Net Worth report columns
- Minor internal optimizations
- Now enforces that non-repeating debts must be paid off in full
- Fixed an inconsistency error that could occur when deleting a Line Item
- Fixed a bug that could cause accumulation of junk, inaccessible data in the data file
- v2.2.2 07/28/2007
- Automatically fills in Rate/Minimum payment end dates as additional ones are added
- Implemented a greedier algorithm so reports now take into account dates of rate changes
- Ensured that errors aren't reported multiple times
- Fixed a glitch that could cause files on the complex debt screen to open with a squished size
- v2.2.1 07/21/2007
- Added Typical minimums display to the debts pane
- Added typical monthly free cash to the income pane
- Added Highest et al. Possible Payment Plans
- Reports more user data errors earlier
- Removed the maximum payment option from the simple view (it's still available in the complex view. See the FAQ in the help for more explanation on maximum payments)
- Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when closing at the graphs window
- v2.2.0 07/14/2007
- Changed language from "Paid off Debt" to "Debt paid off" to enable better grouping in sorting
- Added in overpayment columns to the reports
- Added in account balance columns to the reports
- v2.1.9 07/07/2007
- Fixed a few bugs in the window size saving routines
- Now opens a doc to the last used tab
- Fixed a bug that could erroneously cause the app to report a file couldn't be found
- Added option to always use the complex view or to toggle to the simple view when possible
- v2.1.8 07/04/2007
- Now will always open a new document if no previous document is found
- Fixed a glitch in the display of typical monthly income/expenses (reports were unaffected)
- Fixed a glitch that could cause crashes if a debt had too many line items under extremely particular conditions
- Now saves window sizes
- v2.1.7 06/23/2007
- Multiple concurrent sets of data are now supported
- v2.1.6 06/16/2007
- Added additional pie charts to display cash outflow
- If a maximum payment < the minimum, it will now decrease the payment to the minimum
- v2.1.5 06/10/2007
- New, more powerful date editor Show it to me
- Fixed a bug that could cause dates to drift from the end of the month
- Fixed a bug that could cause longterm drift in values repeating on the xth weekday of the month
- v2.1.4 05/26/2007
- Added a few more missing localizations
- Fixed a condition that could cause a debt to overpay past $0
- v2.1.3 05/19/2007
- Added cash on hand report type
- Major interface improvements - new icons, better consistency, clearer options
- Fixed a bug that would keep newly added debts from displaying in reports
- Fixed a couple of missing currency localizations
- Made sure the "Total Debts" display is properly localized
- Changed to a palette with (hopefully) more distinct colors
- Graphs now live resize with the window
- Internally, graphs are now more memory efficient, which should improve overall graph performance
- Fixed a crash when running graphs w/o data
- Fixed a bug that could withhold too much money in the bank, sometimes causing an incorrect report that you ran out of money
- v2.1.2 05/05/2007
- Date values are now localized
- Added ability to export to iCal
- APR percentages are now rounded to 3 decimal places instead of 2
- Fixed a data-corrupting crash that could occur if debts had no monthly fee or apr specified
- Improved error reporting if errors occur on the complex debt screen
- v2.1.1 04/28/2007
- Added greater customization over which rows to display in reports
- Reports now state at the bottom total interest paid and date out of debt
- Graphs now explicitly state if there's a failure
- Fixed an error preventing saves on the transfers screen
- Currency values are now localized
- The first account is now the default account used for Income, Expenses, and Debts
- Minor bug fixes in the documentation
- v2.1.0 04/20/2007
- Added Interest vs Principal graph
- Added area graph breakdown when graphing one payment plan
- Added additional report columns - payment towards principal, total towards principal, total payments
- Corrected an overcalculation in total interest paid
- Minor interface modifications
- v2.0.9 04/14/2007
- Added the ability to customize which reports to graph
- Added "Include all" and "Include none" options to the reports screen customization
- Added bi-annual and 3x per year compounding
- Internal infrastructure upgrades
- v2.0.8 04/07/2007
- Added "best bet" output to the graph screen
- Added the ability to customize which report columns to display
- v2.0.7 03/31/2007
- Added bimonthly compounding
- Added even split report
- Can now copy out report rows
- v2.0.6 03/24/2007
- Major internal infrastructure upgrades
- Added report caching
- Minor UI tweaks
- Fixed some oddball crash conditions
- v2.0.5 03/03/2007
- Added quarterly compounding
- Minor UI tweaks
- Fixed some oddball crash conditions
- v2.0.4 02/24/2007
- Added additional pie chart widgets on the expenses and income screens
- Added the stacked bar chart on the reporting screen
- Will now automatically fill in an account if only one exists
- Improved memory efficiency
- Fixed some oddball crash conditions
- v2.0.3 02/17/2007
- Added max/min minimum payments report
- Added the "percentage of total debts" display
- Cleaned up the transfers interface
- Explicitly enforces name uniqueness
- Fixed a crash that could occur when navigating away from the graph screen while processing
- v2.0.2 02/03/2007
- Fixed a condition that could cause a report to incorrectly state you had run out of money
- Fixed a condition that could cause a program crash when using interest bearing accounts
- v2.0.1 01/29/2007
- Clarified the wording on the complex minimum payments screen
- Fixed an obscure crash when deleting minimum payment information
- Explicitly prompts the user before canceling reports by shifting screens
- Cancels graphing faster
- Better protects internal data state from unexpected termination
- v2.0.0 01/21/2007
- Complete overhaul.
Debtinator v2 is a complete overhaul of the older code, introducing may useful new features.
- Brand new, more intuitive interface. An easier interface means less time figuring out the program, and more time paying off your debts.
- More reporting options. Choose your own payment schedule. Pay the highest interest rate first. Or the lowest, and see how they compare. Pay the debt with the highest fees, or only the minimums, or take it all into your own hands and choose your own strategy.
- Printing. Keep a hard copy of those payment schedules you've created and check things off as you complete them, in a nicely formatted report. Show me how.
- Multiple accounts. Now you can deposit your paycheck into a checking account, and automatically continue your savings by transferring a set amount of funds to a different, higher interest rate account.
- Interest bearing accounts. You've got a savings account, and you're going to earn money from it. Debtinator now keeps track of that for you.
- More accurate reporting. Debtinator used to assume that all events happened on the same day, the first of the month. But, of course, reality doesn't reflect that. You may have bills to pay on the first, but you don't get paid until the third. Now you can more accurately report on that. It's tougher to run out of money. Debtinator is smart enough to plan for the future. If you have extra money now, but are going to have a big bill to pay for 3 years from now, the program will re-arrange to make sure you can pay it, if at all possible.
- More debt options. Banks are sneaky. Credit card companies are sneaky. There are all sorts of hooks and gizmos and tricks that they employ. Sure, that 0.00% introductory interest rate is great now, but in 6 months it runs out and you're up to 21.99%. Then what? Or, you charged up $5,000 at your normal 15% interest rate, but have another $5,000 that was a balance transfer at 3.99%. Your payments are applied towards the 3.99% first, then the 15% when it's paid off. Debtinator lets you store all of that easily with more complicated debts. Show me how.
- Graphing. Now you can visualize your debts over time and compare payment plans. You can more easily see how paying over the minimum will save you money. Show me how.
- v1.2.1 07/02/2004
- Minor bug fixes in the registration routine
- v1.2.0 06/29/2004
- Added the ability to re-order accounts and budgets
- Added user definable payment order
- Accounts may now be re-opened with new activity
- Added variable interest rate support
- Even Funds report now calculates properly
- "Fixed Amounts" is now "Income & Expenses"
- Gives an error if you try to run the minimum only report with an account that has no minimum payment.
- v1.1.1 06/15/2004
- Fixed a bug that could cause an error saying your budget wouldn't cover your minimum payments of $0.00
- v1.1.0 06/12/2004
- Added support for variable rate sub-balances
- More color coding
- Now remembers window size and position
- Minor calculation and bug fixes
- v1.0.1 06/06/2004
- Fixed an intermediate crash with improper storage files
- v1.0.0 06/05/2004
- Initial release
Debtinator requires MacOS X Tiger or higher, and is a universal binary.